If you want to calibrate a specific project to specific sperimental data on a single point you can use the DETAILS FACTORY ("DESCRIPTION OF DETAILS FACTORY.pdf")
By using the factors details the calibration is valid for a single point, for a single geometry and for a single calculation mode.
How to change the details factory ?
There is not a criteria. you must change them according to the suggestions of the document "DESCRIPTION OF DETAILS FACTORY.pdf" in the pag. 4.
If you want to increase or decrease a specific output value, you must select the right factor.
Please see the Excel file "Unilab Coil Geometry Factors.xlsx" where it is described what happens in a cooling project.
If you need a complex calibration on more points, on more tubes and etc, Unilab Company offers a calibration activity (THAT NOT INCLUDED IN THE MAINTENCE CONTRACT)